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About Us

Bivety Biosciences Private Limited is an all-encompassing animal healthcare company that provides various products for both large and small animals. These include Veterinary Feed Supplements, Veterinary Bolus, PCD Pharma Franchise, Cardiac Tablets, Veterinary Injections, and more. Our team of highly trained veterinarians ensures that the pets of the clients have access to only the best in veterinary care. Our company has modern facilities, advanced equipment, and a dedication to giving excellent service. We are the best option for both large and small owners because of our reasonable prices and high quality of service.

Quality Policy

Each one of our products is made with the highest regard for quality. We have employed a quality control staff to monitor all raw materials in pharmaceutical production and inspect each manufacturing step before sending finished products to our esteemed customers. In addition, our staff members perform a comprehensive quality assurance review that involves verifying the correctness of the formulation, the accuracy of the dosage, and the integrity of the packaging. We check the selection for the above qualities before distributing it to hospitals and other medical facilities.

Why Go With Us?

Those who are moved by a desire to make a difference in the lives of animals will find satisfaction in working for a veterinary pharmaceutical company. The veterinary field is fast-paced and ever-evolving, giving chances for research and development that directly affect animal health. Working at Bivety Biosciences Private Limited, dedicated to improving animal healthcare, is a rewarding and purposeful experience. The below factors also highlight why we are the best in the industry:

  • International Presence: Our network has global reach and influence because of its presence in many countries.
  • Product Quality: Products that are reliable and up to par with market requirements.
  • Various Products Available: High-quality and effective products in diverse categories.
  • Superior Assistance to Customers: Put the needs of the customers first by always responding quickly and courteously to their inquiries.

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